ANV SOP for the Sutler
1- Sutlers should provide quality goods at fair prices to all ANV members. Quality goods should be of 1860’s era and be presented to members correctly. Sutlers will provide merchandise in a timely manner and in excellent condition upon arrival. Origin of manufacture should be disclosed if asked. ANV stamp of approval will be given to all sutlers adhering to its standards.
2- ANV sutlers should try to settle any and all disputes in a satisfactory manner with I individual(s) if at all possible.
3- ANV sutlers at reenactments should provide a period tent to display wares and have wares properly priced . Sutlers will be period correct dressed and period correct display of their products.
4- Sutlers that do not go to reenactments should adhere to professional business tactics, provide quality goods in a timely manner and be able to resolve returns/disputes to the customers satisfaction.
5- ANV sutlers, who are also members, should be given support by ANV staff in any unreasonable disputes that may arise at reenactments.