Brenda Barber 04/29/2017 19th Ga. 2nd Battalion ANV
Bob Etzler 02/25/2017 28th NC 4th Regiment ANV
Paul Mole 03/22/2017 30th North Carolina 4th Regiment ANV
George Miller 12/20/2016 4th Texas Co B 1st Battalion ANV
Col. Dwight Nesbitt 02/05/2014 Commander Artillery Regiment ANV
Lt. Col. Walter C. Hilderman III 09/26/2015 Chief of Inspections 1st Div Provost 30th NC 4th Regiment ANV
Maintained by Steven Lambie This website, and any or all written content, is the sole property of the First Division, Army of Northern Virginia, Inc. © 2018-2024